Hírek, események

The Hungarian Department of Ethnography and Anthropology of the Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca and the Cluj Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences are organizing a two-day workshop entitled "Social relations and the redistribution of economic resources in contemporary rural environments".
The Department of Hungarian Ethnography and Anthropology kindly invites you to its workshop conference, title Ethnography and Experience. We kindly invite you to participate in the event both in Cluj-Napoca and Stana, on the official days of 29 August - 1 September, and also on day "minus one", 28 August, on the introductory lecture of Árpád Furu.
With the general support of the Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences our institute organizes a workshop conference near Cluj-Napoca, in the village of Stana. With invited presenters, workshop leaders and participants we study the concept of experience and the insights of phenomenological anthropology. We welcome the application of PhD students and young researchers.

Alumni book

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    Áprily Lajos
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  • Gagyi József
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  • Kántor Lajos
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  • Láng Gusztáv
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  • Orbán János Dénes
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  • Orbán Jolán
    Orbán Jolán
  • Paskándi Géza
    Paskándi Géza
  • Szabó T. Attila
    Szabó T. Attila
  • Szilágyi Domokos
    Szilágyi Domokos
  • Szilágyi Júlia
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  • Szőcs Géza
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  • Hervay Gizella
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  • Vida Gábor
    Vida Gábor
  • Szilágyi N. Sándor
    Szilágyi N. Sándor
  • Péntek János
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  • Szabó Zoltán
    Szabó Zoltán